256+ Best Deep Words For Love

How do you express love in text? It’s important to let them know that you’re thinking of them by sending a thoughtful and romantic love message. If you’re ready to tell that special someone exactly how you feel, good night text for him will remind your special someone just how much they mean to you.

Show how much you love your beloved with long love notes for him to strengthen the bond in your relationship. Whether you’re looking for I love you because ideas or want to send best text pick up lines, you will make your partner melt.

Deep Words For Love

I want to be the first person you see when you wake up on a new day, and I want to tell you how much your love has changed my life.

Whenever you just take my hand, all the comfort in the world fill up my heart in a moment. Is it a kind of wizardry you know or is it love?

Without you, my heart, my life and my world feel like vacuum – lonely, boring, and empty. I love you forever.

I pray to the lord that our relationship keeps on going strong. I can’t imagine my life with you.

You care and adore my heart like it’s yours. I’m glad to call you mine today and always. I love you beyond words.

I’m sick, and I don’t want you to start thinking too far, I’m only lovesick and your love is the best medicine for my heart. I love you more than love itself.

I love you with every fibre and every breath in me, and I will always and forever love you. I cherish you forever.

I do believe that God above created you for me to love. He chose you from all the rest because He knew I would love you the best!

It’s so easy to say ‘ I love you’ but every time I say those words to you, I say them with all my heart, I love you, my sweetness.

Your love is addictive. The more I receive it, the more I crave for it.

I find pleasure in your love because they are to me songs of a thousand inspiring years.

I will do anything to take you if you’re a prize. I will work hard to make you if you’re Medal. I will be watering you to grow if you’re a flower.

Ranging from the sky, measuring the length of an ocean, nothing can be compared to the love I have for you.

You are a darling, your love has given me much to remember, Thank you Boo.

I never believed in love until I met you and you made my life easier, now I know that you are “the only one” for me. My everything. Kisses

You make me feel a kind of happy I’ve never felt before. With you in my life, I’m always on cloud nine.

Come live in my heart and pay no rent.

I will always love you and be by your side

No distance too long to take my mind off you, my dear. I love you beyond words.

All other men make me mad but only you make me glad.

I know God has someone special for me, and there’s no need to search for her, for he has found me. I love you my sweetheart.

Falling in love with you, I do not know how or when it happened. All I know is the best thing. I love you.

My heart tells me that I will love you forever. And it’s true, forever!

Your love makes my life bright and beautiful, you never stop believing in my ability and for that I am grateful.

Your love rules my heart. It’s like the blood pumping in my heart and flowing through my veins and arteries. I love you beyond words.

Who knew I would be this lucky to have such an amazing guy like you. You are such a blessing in my life.

I will crack the stupidest jokes for the rest of my life to make you laugh.

Nobody has the ability to make me feel as weightless and carefree as you can. I enjoy every moment I spent with you .

I can go through any length to have a glimpse of you. Do you feel my love from that end or should I intensify it from here? I will love you every day as if every second would be my last. I want you to know that you mean the world to me.

In a sea of people, my eyes always search for you.

This message only contains little words, but I want you to know that words alone can’t express how much I love you. I love you beyond words.

I‘m so blissfully happy, when you are by my side, honey. Thank you for bringing so much joy and magical moments into my life!

There is no better and beautiful day than a day with you, my one and only. I love you beyond the stars.

The best thing in my life is not you, it’s us. I will do whatever it takes to keep us together.

For me love has always been something so extremely hard, something that needs a lot of spare time and space. But you make it so very easy. The way I feel about you is hard to explain, but there is one thing I know for sure: I love you with all my heart. Missing you a lot.

I don’t need a million reasons to feel special. All I want is you to reside in this world. You’re the sunshine of my life.

I am storing all the love for you in my heart.

You’re undoubtedly the best when it comes to loving me!

There are two kinds of men. There is you and then there are all other men. Take care sweetheart.

People claim that love gives you that kind of “butterfly in your stomach” feeling. I always thought it was weird, even gibberish. But I get it now.

The only desire of my heart is to be with you every moment of my life. Your love draws me closer to you like a magnet. For me, you’re the only person with whom I can be myself without all the worries of being judged.

Love, you gave meaning to my life. Thank you for everything.

You’re the light in my darkness. You remain my comforter when I am broken. You’ve always wanted me to be a better version of myself, and I love you every day for that. Baby, I am getting better for you and you alone.

I love your supportive and caring self, I love how detailed you are and how you always want everything to be almost perfect, I love you so much, sweetness.

With the passing of each day, I’ve adored and loved you more and more. You move about with happiness and charm that my life deserves. I want to be forever yours because I can’t find someone who eludes such beauty and charm as you do.

Waking up next to you every day is nothing but a pure blessing.

You go through life and one day you meet someone and think “I wonder if this is my person.” Then you laugh together, dream together, and open up to each other and finally it clicks and you know for sure, “This is definitely my person.”

Your presence in my life has made every day of my being a reason for celebration. If there is something I won’t get tired of, it will be to love you because all of my whole heart, body, and soul are all in love with you.

It is impossible for me to say goodbye to you. Just the thought of letting you go even for a moment drives me insane. I will never let you go, sweetheart. You are my other half, and I’ll do everything I can to keep us together.

It’s like a lasting warmth, a feeling of joy that never goes away while I’m with you. The night sky is magical, but its magic will never be as quiet as a moment I share with you. Spending that moment watching a star together makes it even better.

My dearest, you have embraced all my flaws. You make me feel whole and happy. And the beautiful thing is you believe in me. I love you.

You know that I’ve already planned my future with you, right? You are the only permanent thing in my life, and I will do everything to keep it like that till the end of time. I love you, baby.

With you, I can be my silliest best and never worry about being judged, because you are my better half in the truest sense. I love you!

Every time I look at you, I believe and smile to myself, I couldn’t have done better, You’re perfect the way. I love you, honey.

I never knew that I could love someone so fiercely before I met you. You ignited a fire in my heart and I will love you forever.

Babe, I love you, I loved you since the day I saw you, and when you surprised me with those flowers… It was amazing, and I know I fall in love with you every day even more, I miss you when you’re not here, and can’t sleep if I don’t say goodbye.

Baby, I promise you forever because I cannot live without you!

You make my heart melt!

Throw temptations and storms if yours will require a pass. I will do all and more because I know it’ll be sunny in the end. I love you.

If you were a book, I would read you over and over again. That is how much I love you my prettiness.

We fit together like pieces of a puzzle, two halves of the same soul bound together for eternity.

Life has never been better, thanks to you, sweetheart!

Loving you will be all that I will be doing for the rest of my life until the end of time. I love you forever.

My days are boring and times are still. I can feel the weights of loneliness on my feet. When will you be back, my love? I’m missing every bit of you!

Every moment I spent with you.. is like a beautiful dream come true.

I could never say how much I like you and just how special you are to me. But I can say that my world all smiles whenever I am with you. I love you a lot.

It’s funny how you can go through life thinking you’re perfect until you fall in love. Now every time we go away I feel incomplete, my other half. I love you.

You give me a reason to wake up every day, a dream to fight for, a life worth living off. I love you.

Your smile is like the sunrise, that sets the clouds aflame and brightens my world. You rule my world baby, and it has been the best experience I have ever felt. You made me feel like I am in heaven with your cute love.

Today, tomorrow and forever will I cherish, respect, and love you so much.

Oh! Now I know that you are all that is true to me, finding you means finding life. should I lose you, then I’ll die. I have decided to live, so you are mine forever.

There are a billion stars in the sky, but the brightest one is on earth. Thank you for being mine, my beautiful star.

From the beginning of our love to the end of our lives- I love you always and forever.

Never imagined that someone else could make me this very happy, I love you, my sweet.

True love cannot be found where it does not exist, nor can it be denied where it does.

I will never forget the moment when my soul had found its eternal mate in you. Love you, sweetheart!

My feelings for you is growing so fast, I’m afraid my heart will burst… but even more scared if you don’t feel the same way.

If someone asked me to describe you in just two words, I’d say “Simply Amazing.”

Your love means so much to me, even a legion of soldier cannot deter me from expressing my love for you.

If I had my life to do over, I would find you sooner so I could love you longer.

You are so thoughtful. You care about the smallest details of my life. I can’t help but love you more. Your love is amazing and I want you to know right away that I love you.

I’m thankful to God for giving me the gift of not only knowing you but also having you in my life. I’m blessed to have you. I love you so much.

I am crazy in love. I can’t think straight. You are my one true love, my soulmate.

When we kissed for the first time, I could swear that I hear our souls whisper ever so quietly: “Welcome home”.

Don’t think for a second that I’m not aware of the love and affection you lavish on me. I recognize love when I see it, and you are the most beautiful representation of love I’ve ever seen.

I live every day with joy because my reality is just like what I dream of the previous night. Your love gives me hope and expectations of having a happily ever after.

You gave me a reason to live, to dream, and to fight. You make my days worth living. Thank you for being the only person who understands me! I love you, and I hope this love lasts for eternity.

You make me feel warm, safe, and loved. You are the blanket that I want to be wrapped around me all the time. I just want to say that I love you and thanks for being there for me all the time.

When I think back to the day we first met, you literally walked into my life at a time when I wasn’t expecting to find love.

Sometimes I think that mankind hasn’t invented the language of real love yet. I can’t come up with the right words to tell you how much I love you. My feeling for you is so huge that I can’t put it in words. I will try my best to find a way to prove you my love for real, honey.

Dear love, your presence, and love make me whole. Can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Lots of hugs and kisses.

The best medicine for me is hugging you. I feel like I can do everything as long as you are around. Thank you for being my knight in shining armor, baby. I could not ask for more.

Loving you is the only thing that makes my life worth living.

Don’t live your life with someone you want to live with; live it with someone you can’t live without.

I’m in love with you… I’m not sure when it happened. Everything I know is you are the finest thing that has ever happened to me.

Without your love, there is an emptiness inside me. You mean everything to me and I need you by my side.

I want to grow old with you.

I will love you, when you fail, when you succeed, even if everyone is against you, I will never leave your side, because you are everything to me… You are my world, I love you with all my heart, honey, never forget that!

The sunniest day, fulfilled without you, becomes sullen — your love paints all about colours.

I don’t know if you know this but I was born to spend the rest of my life with you, I love you so much my sweet.

Every time I hold you in my arms, it feels like all my problems just go away. You make my life so much brighter. Thanks for being my answered prayer and dream come true. Love you!

Some people think that money can buy you money. But there are some things that money can’t buy. My love for you is a testament to that fact.

Baby, my world lights up when you are around. Your every step, your every move is something so graceful and beautiful. You are my most precious treasure, my biggest secret, my sweetest sin. You are the drug I’m addicted to. I love you endlessly.

If there’s anything in life I would not need to change; it’s the likelihood of meeting you and falling in love with you.

It’s like I have known you my whole life, oh well, I plan to love you for the rest of my life, sweetheart.

I have seen a form of love. I don’t want anything in life as long as I have your love. For loving me so honestly and sincerely thank you!

I can take care of myself to the best of my ability however still, I’m excited to reach out to that remarkable one who will show me true love and that’s you I believe. Without a doubt, you are the person meant for me and I love you so much, my baby!

Our children are so lucky and blessed to have you. I envy them. It’s that bad.

As long as I breathe, I will always adore and love you so much more than you could ever imagine. I cherish you forever, sweetheart.

You are my one in a million, darling. I hope always to make you smile as you make me with your goofy jokes.

I would walk through storms and temptations just to be be your side, my love. You are the sunshine at the end of it all.

There’s something so incredibly special about the way you love me. It makes my world a better place.

So happy to know that you will always be mine forever. I love you more than love itself.

You’ve won my heart, your charms burn within me, I don’t know how to escape your snare, you have captured me. What will I do without you, my love?

You are my world. I can’t think anything except you. Whenever you are not in front of my eyesight, I feel the darkness. You are my everything.

Loving you is not a choice, it is my need. Love you so much honey.

I believe that true love will last forever… if it doesn’t it just means there’s someone else out there who loves you more.

Nobody can take your place in my heart; you are the one who makes me happy. You’re all I want in my life. I am waiting to return.

You’re my everyday happiness and with each passing day, you make me feel happier than ever before. I love you so much.

The small things you do for me bring so much joy to my life. I’ll love you always.

No matter how hard I tried to focus my gaze on something else, it’s you that I only see as my eyes only see YOU. I love you beyond the stars.

When I look at you, I see true love. From your hair down to the tip of your toe, you are beyond the word perfection. Now I know why you got the perfect eyes and the total beauty. God knows that I needed something beautiful in my life.

I would like to take a moment to show you how much I appreciate all that you’ve done for me. You have loved me like no one ever has, and I only wish to love you back until you feel overwhelmed. Have a great day ahead, baby!

Being on your arms makes me feel so good. It is the best place for me.

Since I’ve met you, I have realized what true love feels like. You made me feel special and loved.

Do you know that for everything you have done for me, I have made you a god of my life. To adore you is better than silver and gold my love.

Every time you look into my eyes, you melt my heart and make me fall in love all over again. I love being loved by you.

I am so lucky to have you by my side today, tomorrow, and forever.

My heart is with you, it is in you and beats only for you, mi amor.

I miss you in every step I take, and in every move I make. I miss you a lot and I wish you understand this.

I crave to be everything in your world; I want to be your star, I want to be your air, I want to be your moon and sun because I don’t want to miss a moment without you. I love you beyond words.

My love for you grows stronger with time, and I will never let go of you.

My dear, know that there is no deeper love in this world than mine, that there is no limit to what I would do to make you happy, that you and I have an eternal unbreakable bond of true love that will last for a lifetime.

Kissing you is my favorite hobby. Holding you is my favorite pastime.

I am so blessed to have a life partner like you. The way you care about me, none did ever in my entire life. But you are the one who really cares about me and my wishes.

I used to live on my own. I used to care only about myself and I didn’t know how amazing it feels to care about somebody else. Everything changed, when you came into my life. Now I am a new person, a better one, and I’m terribly in love with you.

Just when I thought of giving up to the intuition that true love doesn’t exist, you came and showed me the best of it. Thanks for being you for me.

I can never think of anyone else who could love me so deeply!

To love you is one of the simplest things to do for you to make life seem much more beautiful. I love you and never want to let go of you, for life without you would be miserable.

My love for you can never be expressed by mere written words because there are not words enough. The love I have for you flows like the flooded riverbank spreading to every part of your life. Deep, deeper and deeper will it grow. I love you, darling.

The universe brought us together, but it is my duty to love you, care for you and protect you as long as I live, I love you, my sweetness.

You are my weakness, whenever I see you I seem to forget all my worries accept for you that worry a lot about. My happiness have nice day ahead love.

Love has the power to alter the toughest of hearts; it has the capacity the ability to comfort and to heal and redeem. I know this because I have seen what your love does to me.

How to say “I love you” in a non-corny way? It’s so hard! All I want is for you to understand that my feelings for you are not mediocre or typical. It’s something that changed my life completely. You’ve changed my life completely.

You are exactly everything I need and I love you, sweetheart.

When the realities of your love became obvious to me, I became obsessed with the fact that anything that is not you seems like hell to me.

Wish I could show you how much you mean to me. You’re the one with whom I can fall in love over and over again.

Love comes when you least expect it. My love was coming so slowly and gently that I didn’t even notice that. But now I’m fully at the mercy of love – our love. It’s so strong and deep-rooted in me, that I can’t even fight it. And I don’t really want to, because this feeling is the best I have ever experienced.

One look from you makes me weak in the knees.

I cherish the times when my fingers are in between you, my head is on your chest. I feel so safe as though nothing bad can happen to me.

I will keep on loving you, and even when there’s no reason to, I will still love all of you. I cherish you forever.

You’re the reason why I wake up every day with a beautiful and bright smile on my face as you happened to be the reason for my smile. I cherish you forever.

Nothing brings me joy like waking up and falling asleep by your side.

No words in any languages can ever express my love for you. It flows like a calm stream down a riverbank and somehow reaches every part of your mind, body and soul. Please know that it will never stop flowing. Love you, honey.

Loving you is easy, you make it effortless as breathing.

You took my breath away from the first time I saw you as you’re one unique person. There’s no single weary and anguish with you as with you tomorrow is certain. I love you dearly.

I waited a long time for you to enter my life.

My heart is full of pride, full of love, and full of joy because of you.

My life was black and white until you came in and added color.

I have fallen in love with you in over a million ways and much more, I love you forever, sweetheart.

I believe that you’re one of the fantastic things that make my world colorful. You filled my heart with untold joy and happiness.

You make me believe in love at first sight, and I am ever grateful to you for that. Please take my heart and keep it with you always.

Addiction is an example of what I feel about you. I need to see your pretty face all the time. I am addicted to you baby!

Sometimes at night, I lay there listening to the rhythm of your breathing because it fills me with happiness to know you’re there. Snuggling up to you brings me a sense of contentment that I never knew before. Knowing you love me as much as I love you brings me peace and joy.

You’re the most gorgeous, lovely, adorable, beautiful, dazzling, exciting and stunning. You’re my everything. I can not imagine my life without you.

My heart sealed your place in it right at the moment I met you. This place will always remain constant and intact. I love you so much!

I can not imagine living a life without you. You’re my reason.

Ours is the most beautiful love story that ever happened on this earth. For me, you are a priceless gem that I don’t want to lose ever. Your love makes my life worth living every day. Thank you for being the nicest person that I ever met!

I needed hope; I got a motivator. I needed trust; I got a friend. I needed love, and I saw you coming my way, but I realized you were the motivation and friend I needed.

Darling, when I say that I love you, I don’t just mean on the good days but every other day.

No matter how secure I would ever make my heart, you will forever remain the only one with uninterrupted access. That’s what you deserve.

I will do everything to always put a beautiful smile on your face every day. You know I love you right? Well, I do.

If you were Facebook, I would check your updates 24/7. If you were Twitter, I would constantly tweet my love for you. If you were Instagram, I would keep uploading pictures of us. Have a lovely day, my dear.

The biggest fear of my life is about losing you. I think I can’t survive if I lose you. I need you forever.

No matter how things turned out, I will always be right next to me. I love you more than you can imagine.

The thoughts of your love revolve over me always like a fan. It keeps me cool even when I am feeling the heat.

No distance can weaken our bond. Nothing can erase our memories from our minds. Our hearts will always be tied together with each other.

Hey, thank you so much for being awesome with me, I am so blessed and happy to have a wonderful boy like you.

Love is not winning someone to be on your part but loosing yourself to someone. It’s a pledge, I will always love you no matter what life brings to me.

I can’t stop loving you.

I want to spend every minute I’ve got on this planet with you, although I know it will never be enough… A thousand lives with you won’t be enough. I love you sweetheart with all of my heart.

Even with all these time apart, I have never stopped loving you for one second. I told you once that I’ll always be there if you need help with anything, or just as someone to talk to, and I will keep that promise until the day I die.

If you’re asking if I need you, then the answer is forever. If you’re asking if I’ll ever leave you, the answer is never. If you’re asking what I value, the answer is you. If you’re asking do I love you, the answer is yes I do, I do very much.

My love for you is eternal like the sun and lightens up my life!

I wish I could see every single moment of my life, I am waiting for that special day when you will be the only mine, I love you so much, honey.

Your flaws are the reasons why I love you so deeply, you are imperfectly perfect.

I’d be a mouse so I can nibble you bit by bit If you were cheese. I’d be a cat so I could drink you sip by sip In the fact that you were milk. So I could devour one piece by piece, but if you’re a mouse, I would be a cat. I love you.

Thank you, my love. I know love because I know you. You have showered me with such affection and mop it all up like a love-starved child. I’ll blow you a countless kiss. Love you sweetheart.

You are the most precious and best gift in my life. I consider that as the best thing from GOD.

The cutest thing I’ve ever seen in my life ever is your smile. It gives joy to my heart and makes me more pleased with you and myself. I am in love with you so deeply that I can’t control my mind again thinking about you. I love you!

My heart sings without my permission, I try to figure it out, then I discovered that you indiscriminately have filled my heart with your love.

My heart belongs to you and it doesn’t want anything but you. I love you, beautiful.

I didn’t believe in love at first sight until I met you. I just know we are destined for each other. I love loving you, baby.

I love your smile. You ask I want our love to because you’re one of a kind. I love you.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, to me when I look at you, I see my world. How beautiful you are. I want you to be my everything.

Have I told you today that I love you? Because I love you a whole lot.

No matter how hard my day is, you make it better. Just seeing your smile lights up my life. Every time that I look at your face, I feel relaxed. I can’t believe how much we have been through and how much we still have left to experience together. I’m the luckiest person in the world. I love you and can’t wait for you to get home.

The more we are together, the more our love grows stronger. I will never leave you for anything because you are worth more than diamond and every other precious stone in this world. I will love you forever.

I want to spend the rest of my life with you because I am best with you.

My greatest wish is to keep you in my paradise and stand next to you forever. I want to hold your hand in the dark and kiss you passionately. I love you.

Life without you would be like the sun without its sunshine and flowers without their fragrance.

My sweet love, nothing can be compared to how I feel about you, but to be honest, am lucky, our love moves in the same perspective, sweetie, I really care.

I’m yours till the end of time, baby. I want us to grow old together and see how we change as time goes by. But you know what will never change? My love for you. It will always stay just as strong and beautiful. Love you endlessly.

I know God has someone special for me, and there’s no need to search for him, for he has found me, and I have found him. I have loved you all my life!

My love for you keeps growing with each passing year. Happy Anniversary my dear.

My heart is not empty; it carries a tremendous burden of your love. And I want to bear that burden till the last moment of my life.

When I think of you, I am refreshed, when I think of what you have done for me, I discovered that I can’t keep on living without you.

Even with my naked flaws, you cloth me with your love. Why wouldn’t I have you in my heart every second? I love you with every strength.

My love for you only grows by each day because I am truly addicted to you! I love you, baby.

We might be miles apart, but you are never away from me. You occupy my heart, my dreams, and my every waking thought.

I can’t stop loving you because it’s the only thing I’m good at and the only reason I was sent here on earth. I love you!

The day I met you I found my missing piece. You complete me and you make me want to be a better person. I was a little late to be your first, but I want all my lasts to be with you.

Your love is my inspiration. Without you, I just can’t imagine how my life would be I’m glad God gave me as special as you. I love you.

When nobody saw the goodness in me when nobody saw my future when nobody felt like my life is worth it. You were there for me. I will do anything for you because you have given me all I need to be better in life.

I will always love you, this much I really know. It is more than a promise – it is what flows through my heart, it is true like life itself and everlasting.

You put your arms around me and I’m home.

Because of you, my truth is better than my best dreams.

You make me feel safe. There’ a million reasons for why I love you, actually. I wouldn’t know where to start. I just wanted to say that you make me very happy and I love you more than anyone else in the world. 

I love you because you share my dreams with me. I adore you because everything about me concerns you. I thank you for being a contributor to my life. We are almost there, and we will live the life we have always worked for.

I loved you, I still love you and I will always love you. I cherish you forever, my one and only.

I still can’t believe that you’re mine. If I’m dreaming, then let me sleep forever.

You have my whole heart for my whole life.

Your words penetrate my heart like an arrow. Your touch makes me go mad and sends shivers!

I have stopped making wishes on spotting falling stars. Do you know why? Because I have you and that’s all I want in my life.

I can’t spend a time without you, can’t you see? I love you soo much. You are a part of me and this is forever.

The day my eyes met yours, I knew you were the one for me. And ever since then, not a single day has gone by where you didn’t cross my mind. Can you feel the depths of my love for you, dear?

I love the spring, and I love the summer, but there is nothing I love more than you.

When I close my eyes, I see you. When I open my eyes, I see you. There is nothing I can do without thinking of you. You’re my angel.

You are amazing just the way you are!

We have to get beyond fires, like a work of art. In miraculous harmony. We ought to learn how to love each other so far to reside out of time… detached.

It’s hard to find someone willing to stay with you in every up and down of your life. I feel blessed to have you in my life because I know no matter what happens, you will never stop loving me!

They say you fall in love once, but I fall in love with you again every time I see you!

Call me crazy but I can’t stop thinking about you! I love you.

No matter what happens in this messed up world, my love for you will always stand steady and tall. It will never disappear to ashes. This I can promise you.

I gave up on love, it was strange to me. Then you showed up and I’m living a life full of life again. No one could have loved me more. I love you, Sweets.

You are Godsend. You came at the right time and brightened up my dark. I see the light because of your love, my Sunshine. Love you.

I don’t need a thousand reasons to feel special. All I need is you to live in this world. You are the sunshine of my life.

I have a feeling I’m going to love you for a very long time.

I talk, you smile. Why can’t you realize that I can’t do anything without you? I am helpless with the sight of you. Why can’t you see that you are the one for me? And I don’t want any other person.

I’m blessed you found me because your kind is very rare to find. I love you to the moon and back.

Every day with you is a wonderful addition to my life’s journey. You’re my paradise and I’d happily get stranded on you for a lifetime.

A physician can save a life. An attorney can shield my life. A soldier could fight for your own life, however, you may provide me the significance of life. I love you!

Without your love, I am like a tree that can never blossom. Without you, I am like the ocean without water, like a bird without wings. I love you with all my heart.

There will be two minutes when I will like to be with you and Forever! Love you.

My heart was filled with sorrow and hard feelings, but you came and filled it with love and happiness. I can never be grateful enough to you for loving me like that.

I couldn’t take my eyes off you from day one, and you’ve been on my mind every day since. I was happy before I met you, but now I realize that I never understood what happiness was.

I want to love you, hold your hand, laugh at your jokes, walk by your side, snuggle on the couch, look into your eyes, talk about whatever, and kiss your lips. Every single day.

Love is like the deep blue sky with its shadow encompassing the oceans below. Our love is just like the horizon that meets and is still wrapped up inside and out!

I know fairy tales come true because I have you.

It’s feels like heaven having you here with me, sweetheart.

I love you so much, I am the biggest supporter of you and you are mine. Whatever I do, you inspire me and I am trying to do something good just because of your inspiration.

My happy place, loving you, is not an option anymore; it is my need. Thanks for existing.

I dreamt that you were mine, and I woke up smiling because I understood it wasn’t a dream. You are mine!

I wish my heart could speak what it felt for you because no words can describe how much I love you. I cherish you forever.

Every moment spent with you is like a beautiful dream come true.

I am forever addicted to your love and I have no plans to ever let go of you. You have the most unique and beautiful personality worthy of the grandest throne in the world.

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