Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy, known to the world as XXXTENTACION, was more than just a rapper—he was a voice for a generation struggling with pain, love, loss, and self-discovery. His lyrics and words reflected deep emotions, personal struggles, and an unfiltered perspective on life. From themes of heartbreak and betrayal to hope and personal growth, his quotes continue to resonate with millions worldwide. Whether inspiring or haunting, his words remain powerful, raw, and unforgettable.
- The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from enemies, it comes from those you trust the most. — XXXTENTACION
- We’re all fighting battles no one knows about. — XXXTENTACION
- I’m lost then I’m found. — XXXTENTACION
- I gave her everything. She took my heart and left me lonely. I’ve been broken, heart’s contentious. I won’t fix, I’d rather weep. I’m lost then I’m found, but it’s torture being in love. — XXXTENTACION
- I advise you to not hide your feelings, don’t pretend to be okay when you’re not okay, don’t pretend to be happy when you’re sad, it’ll only lead to your misery. People always leave. Don’t get too attached. Some people just don’t deserve you. They aren’t ready for your level of loyalty or love. You have to remember that not everyone was raised like you. Not everyone has a pure heart or good intentions like you. And not everyone has your best interest and wants to see you succeed.’Just Carry On.’ — XXXTENTACION
- Make sure you are being healthy in mind, being caring, compromising for the ones you love, being loyal to the ones you love. If you love someone you’re supposed to be dedicated to them, right. — XXXTENTACION
- I used to beat kids at school just to get her to talk to me, yell at me. — XXXTENTACION
- I’m sadder than most of you with the money and the freedom. — XXXTENTACION
- Would I change anything about my journey? No. — XXXTENTACION
- Some kill, some steal, and some break your heart. — XXXTENTACION
- It is funny how you said you would never hurt me, but here I am, alone and broken. — XXXTENTACION
- What is money really worth if it ain’t love? — XXXTENTACION
- Make out hill, where we met
We let our lips do all the talkin’ and now I’m hooked and…
Depression and obsession don’t mix well — XXXTENTACION - Who am I? Someone that’s afraid to let go. — XXXTENTACION
- I could never say I understand how you are all feeling, nor can I find the right words to say to you, but I do want you all to know, you are not alone. — XXXTENTACION
- You decide if you’re ever gonna let me know. — XXXTENTACION
- Please stop making me think you care if you don’t. — XXXTENTACION
- I’m nauseous, I’m dyin’
She ripped my heart right out
Can’t find her, someone to—
My eyes are all cried out — XXXTENTACION - I’m in pain, wanna put 10 shots in my brain I’ve been tripping bout some things, can’t change suicidal, same time I’m tame. — XXXTENTACION
- People always leave. Don’t get too attached. — XXXTENTACION
- Hello, from the dark side in
Does anybody here wanna be my friend? — XXXTENTACION - If we live in a world governed by feeling and emotion, let’s just make sure it’s a good one. — XXXTENTACION
- I can’t seem to find someone’s shoulder
Who will I rely on when it’s over? — XXXTENTACION - There is no end to the pain, you must be numb. — XXXTENTACION
- So outside of my misery, I think I’ll find
A way of envisioning a better life. — XXXTENTACION - Being alone really makes you realize all you got is yourself. — XXXTENTACION
- Carry on, like flights, I just carry on
With this pain inside of my chest
Got no choice but to carry on — XXXTENTACION - And the love in my heart is a cancer
And I spread it through the wall as an answer
To the cries of the dead and the vanquished
The depressed and the lost and the damned, it’s
Preservation of the peace, an ideal world — XXXTENTACION - I’ve been feeling really lost, ducking all attachments
I don’t really go outside ’cause I hate traffic. — XXXTENTACION - Memories surface through the grapevine. — XXXTENTACION
Powerful Quotes By XXXTENTACION
- Follow your dreams, and know that even though you have lost, you have guardian angels watching over you, day in and day out. — XXXTENTACION
- Rain keeps falling, tears keep falling. Darling, your love is like walking a bed of nails and I just can’t keep on fine. — XXXTENTACION
- Forever ain’t forever. — XXXTENTACION
- I love when you’re around
But I hate when you leave. — XXXTENTACION - Trapped in a concept, falsely accused. — XXXTENTACION
- I’ve dug two graves for us, my dear. — XXXTENTACION
- Please don’t throw your love away. — XXXTENTACION
- I’m always where the sun don’t shine. — XXXTENTACION
- It’s unfortunate because it’s like, yo, when people die, that’s when we like ’em, you know? ‘Cause your remorse kinda makes you check ’em out. — XXXTENTACION
- Mmm, baby, I don’t understand this
You’re changing, I can’t stand it — XXXTENTACION - And every single year
I’m drowning in my tears, I’m drowning in my tears again — XXXTENTACION - Hush little angel, don’t say a word
Bottle full of pills passed out on the curb. — XXXTENTACION - I can’t seem to forget the pain you seem to give
The pain you seem to give, my friend — XXXTENTACION - I know you’re somewhere, somewhere
I’ve been trapped in my mind, girl, just holding on — XXXTENTACION - Time is valuable.. don’t waste it. — XXXTENTACION
- Why am I so in love? Why am I so in love? Why am I so in love? I don’t know why. — XXXTENTACION
- Change hoes like clothes, I can’t get attached
‘Cause these hoes fire starters like lit matches — XXXTENTACION - Some kill, some steal, some break your heart
And you thought that I would let it go and let you walk
Well, broken hearts, break bones, so break up fast
And I don’t wanna let it go, so in my grave I’ll rot — XXXTENTACION - Is my pain your freedom? — XXXTENTACION
- Where was I?
When he was feeling on you with his hands, at night?
Seen the vivid pictures in my head, at night
It left me in tears — XXXTENTACION - You ain’t even showing me the love you say you got for me. — XXXTENTACION
- Made a list of my regrets
And you were first, love, oh
Oh, it hurts, I can’t forget — XXXTENTACION - Let them see me in pain again. — XXXTENTACION
- Hell, I think I’m just obsessed with you. — XXXTENTACION
- Girl you’re making it hard for me.. — XXXTENTACION
- I like to rock out like I’m misfit. — XXXTENTACION
- In my grave, I’ll rot. — XXXTENTACION
- I’m the only one stressed
I’m the only one tired of having fake friends
Put the noose on my neck
And the hole in my back, again
I’ve been waiting on death with a smile on my face — XXXTENTACION - Some kill, some steal, some break your heart. — XXXTENTACION
- There ain’t no loyalty, you lied to me. — XXXTENTACION
- I’m poisoned. — XXXTENTACION
- Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry. — XXXTENTACION
- I don’t wanna pretend we’re something, we’re nothing. — XXXTENTACION
- Tired of feelin’ like I’m trapped in my damn mind. — XXXTENTACION
- The pain in my heart just won’t end
The words that I find just don’t seem to compare
Awaiting my death in the end
Alone, I must seek out the end to begin
So nobody wants death
‘Cause nobody wants life to end — XXXTENTACION - Only time I feel pain, when I’m feelin’ love. — XXXTENTACION
- My heart can’t take this damage. — XXXTENTACION
- All alone, call my phone, make me feel right. — XXXTENTACION
Inspirational XXXTENTACION Quotes and Lyrics
- The enemy does not want you to be happy, be happy, always. — XXXTENTACION
- Be kind to one another, even when it’s not requested. — XXXTENTACION
- Do not let your depression make you. Do not let your body define your soul; let your soul define your body. Your mind is limitless. You are worth more than you can believe. All you have to do is dream and all you have to do is want to fulfill that dream and have the strength. — XXXTENTACION
- Your self respect is what matters. You cannot have a good life or have other people respect you for that matter if you don’t respect yourself. — XXXTENTACION
- The most important thing is that, when you get knocked down, get back up. — XXXTENTACION
- Life is a matter of perception. Everything is a riddle. You can simplify if you diversify your thoughts. — XXXTENTACION
- I finally have everything in my hands so now you’re gonna see who’s the greatest artist of the century. — XXXTENTACION
- If I could act on my revenge, then, oh, would I? — XXXTENTACION
- If worse things comes to worst, and I die or something and I’m not able to see out my dreams, I at least want to know that the kids perceived my message and were able to make something of themselves and able to take my message and use it and turn it into something positive and to at least have a good life. — XXXTENTACION
- Whether you realize it or not, everyday you evolve and create a thought. — XXXTENTACION
- As of right now I want to work with the Fray, Kings of Leon, and probably Lorde. I do multi-genre, I don’t just rap. — XXXTENTACION
- I don’t know anybody else here that obviously tries to pave their own way or is strong enough to distribute their own mind. I came here and I was still able to do what I wanted. I was still able to show my work and my lyrics. I was still able to go against the grain. — XXXTENTACION
- It’s too much, my heart’s crushed, I’m not alive I won’t allow myself happiness ’cause it’s all lies. — XXXTENTACION
- Cut out my eyes, feed me with lies so that I don’t ever have to see again. — XXXTENTACION
- It all takes time. — XXXTENTACION
- Let it be. — XXXTENTACION
- I’m cut open, her fingers in all my stab wounds. — XXXTENTACION
- Who am I? Someone that’s afraid to let go, uh You decide if you’re ever gonna let me know (yeah) Suicide if you ever try to let go, uh I’m sad, I know, yeah, I’m sad, I know, yeah. — XXXTENTACION
- It is all a process, the longer you wait the longer it will take. — XXXTENTACION
- I know you got your problems, but brother, they got theirs This is not a game, quit violence and grow a pair. — XXXTENTACION
- Grow your wings, fly away, fly away, fly away. — XXXTENTACION
- I was the kid who wouldn’t say much. I never really spoke, I always acted, and that was always my problem. — XXXTENTACION
- Tired of feelin’ like I’m trapped in my mind Tired of feelin’ like I’m wrapped in a lie Tired of feelin’ like my life is a game. — XXXTENTACION
- If death is what it seems, why is it so vividly portayed within our dreams? Fear of understanding the devils running its course, fears not a factor its coming straight from the source, remorse. — XXXTENTACION
- Lost in the pessimistic state of perception It’s been hard to participate in natural instances And due to my history, I don’t know what’s next for me But keep my composure. — XXXTENTACION
- You can be around a million people and still be alone. I know what that feels like. — XXXTENTACION
- Into the depths of the dark Fear will swallow your heart Machete in the shed With his kettle burning red. — XXXTENTACION
- I like what people like. — XXXTENTACION
- I don’t like to speak about my age because people try to use my age to determine my knowledge. — XXXTENTACION
- There’s another mind deep in me Don’t know what’s gotten into me I ain’t seen the other side plentifully ‘Til the end I’ll, ’til the end I’ll fight. — XXXTENTACION
- If people want to judge me they can judge me. — XXXTENTACION
- In life you don’t need a lot of friends, just the right ones. — XXXTENTACION
- Nobody will ever completely know you. — XXXTENTACION
- In school, I hated anything that made me feel dumb (choir & chorus), I wanted to find my own way with these things. — XXXTENTACION
- Gunfire inside my head. — XXXTENTACION
- I mean, I can do better than he can. — XXXTENTACION
- You can’t do good if you’re wishing bad on others. — XXXTENTACION
XXXTENTACION’s words carried the weight of his experiences, emotions, and personal battles, making his quotes deeply relatable and thought-provoking. His ability to express pain, love, and the pursuit of self-betterment has left a lasting impact on his fans and the music industry. Though his life was tragically short, his legacy lives on through his music and messages, reminding us to embrace our emotions, seek growth, and never be afraid to express our true selves. His words continue to inspire and provoke thought, proving that his voice will never be silenced.
Deniz Yalım is the founder and visionary behind BayArt, a platform renowned for its deeply resonant and inspirational content focusing on love, relationship, happiness, success and motivation.
With a background rich in literature, psychology, and communication, Deniz has dedicated their career to the art of using words to inspire and empower. Passionate about the transformative power of language, Deniz has skillfully curated BayArt to be a platform for those seeking wisdom and guidance in the realms of love and life.
Their writings not only reflect a deep understanding of human emotions and relationships but also aim to ignite change and encourage positive thinking. Through BayArt, Deniz Yalım continues to touch lives, offering solace, motivation, and a sense of connectedness to a global community.