264+ Best Cute Messages For Girlfriend

How do you express love in text? It’s important to let them know that you’re thinking of them by sending a thoughtful and romantic love message. If you’re ready to tell that special someone exactly how you feel, morning text to make her smile will remind your special someone just how much they mean to you.

Show how much you love your beloved with romantic sms for her to strengthen the bond in your relationship. Whether you’re looking for how to show my girlfriend I trust her or want to send weird names for girlfriend, you will make your partner melt.

Cute Messages For Girlfriend

No words can describe what you mean to me. You are the sunshine of my life. You light up every I walk on and give me courage. I love you so much.

My heart forgets how to beat every time you laugh.

Even if for the sake of your love, I have to go through all the obstacles, to sacrifice everything, I will do it for you. Our love is my greatest wealth

Even if the oceans dry up and the days turn into nights and even if the stars start to fall from the sky, while you are by my side, my world will be perfect.

Love is Like a Golden chain that links our hearts together and if you ever break that chain you’ll break my heart forever!

Even with my naked flaws, you clothe me with your undying love. I love you with every ounce of me… how can I not?

I see everything that truly matters to me when I look at you, I love you, my sweetness.

I didn’t want to fall in love, but you captured my heart and made me yours.

Your love is like the cold breeze at night or the first rays of the sun during the morning.

Most women are a little scared about getting old, as I was. But, as long as I get the chance to get old with you, I know I’ll be fine .

I loved you once, love you still, always have, and always will.

There’s no one in the world like you and no one I’d rather call my own. I love you.

One of the best decisions I ever made was to fall and grow in love with you, I love you, my sweet.

Seeing the smile on your face makes me so happy to be alive. When you smile, you are more beautiful than the sunset. From the bottom of my heart, I love you sweetheart.

Nothing can explain fully how fortunate I am to have you in my life. Love you sincerely.

Thinking of you, loving you, and hoping you know if you need anything, I’m always here for you.

Years from now, my sweet, I still want to hold you in my arms.

I don’t want you to be perfect. I love your imperfections because they make my life perfect as one can imagine.

I love you, hun. Has anyone ever told you that you have the most beautiful smile in the world? It makes me feel alive, I can’t trade it with anything else.

Your love heals my wounds, your words soothe my soul, and your touch gives me all the feels. Whenever I am with you, I just want the world to stop so I can fully enjoy staring into your beautiful eyes. I love you more than anything else.

I love being in love with you.

You complete me, and this is the best feeling ever. Love you, darling.

The truth is that you are a breath of fresh air and relief to my aching soul. You make me realize that the realities about love cannot be questioned. Love is sweet and you make me believe so my love.

My dear love, All I want to see is your lovely face every day. I love you.

Maybe we are far away from each other but I feel closer to you all the time. I am always with you no matter what!

In all that I have seen you do, I see your sacrifices for me and I wonder why such a gorgeous angel like you would love someone like me. I love you so much.

Many people spend their lives looking for true love and eventually fail. So how embarrassed would I be to let our love fall? That’s how you know, my love is here to stay.

I wish I had the words to tell you how much I love you. Guess I’ll just have to show you.

It’s hard to imagine my life without you. The memories we’ve made, the joy we’ve shared, and the time we’ve spent growing closer are some of the happiest moments of my life.

You inspire a love in me that I never knew was possible.

True love is hard to find, hard to hold onto, hard to forget. Everything about it is hard, but just thinking of the happy times erases them all.

Every single cell of my body is in love with every cell of yours. Isn’t it obvious? I’m head over heels. I’ve never felt like this before, and I will do anything to make it last forever. Let’s make it last forever together. 

The day I met you I found my missing piece. You complete me and you make me want to be a better person. I was a little late to be your first, but I want all my lasts to be with you.

Oh how I love your eyes and their beautiful sparks, my sweetness.

With you in my life, there is always wonderful and amazing things to always look forward to. I’m glad to have you, and I love you more than you know.

I just felt a huge surge of love for you. You’re the best!

The day when I saw you for the first time, it was a very beautiful day for me. I still can remember everything about that day.

A physician would be amazed at my heart conveniently decides to beat based on if I am thinking about you or not.

You are my world. I can’t think anything except you. Whenever you are not in front of my eyesight, I feel the darkness. You are my everything.

When I look at you I see my whole future in your beautiful eyes. I make plans always having you in mind, so get ready to be irritated by me till the end of time. I love you so much, darling.

You go through life and one day you meet someone and think “I wonder if this is my person.” Then you laugh together, dream together, and open up to each other and finally it clicks and you know for sure, “This is definitely my person.”

I know God has someone special for me, and there’s no need to search for her, for he has found me. I love you my sweetheart.

Your smile is my favorite thing in the world! I love you, baby!

I think about you in my dreams; how sweet, kind, loving, and affectionate you are to me. You are the ideal lover and companion.

In case you don’t know, you are my no. 1! Thank you for sticking by through thick and thin. I love you to the moon and back. Boyfriend.

Your love has changed my world, and your look warms my heart. Your touch makes me quiver and being close to you fills my heart with contentment.

I will love you until the stars go out and the tides no longer turn.

The heavens may fade, the seas may dry and the wind may cease, but my love for you can never end my love.

I’m experiencing one of those days that make me realize how lost I’d be without you. Thanks for coming in no when I needed you.

Your touch does to me what a pebble does to calm waters of a lake. You send ripples through my heart. I love you sweetheart.

I can’t live without you; you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.

You are in my prayers every night… I always ask God to keep showering us with uncompromising love and express my hope for a wonderful future for us. I also promise him that I’ll cherish you until the end of time.

To hurt you won’t be an option, because even if I was given a chance to, I will never do anything to hurt you. I love you more than love itself.

I believe that true love will last forever… if it doesn’t it just means there’s someone else out there who loves you more.

Your words penetrate my heart like an arrow. Your touch makes me go mad and sends shivers!

The best laughter and tears I shed are the ones we share. You have given me a lot of memories money can’t buy. I love and cherish you my sweet boo.

I consider loving you to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made because you make finding love seem so easy, and I don’t take that for granted.

My love for you is never-ending, and no matter how hard life becomes, I will always be there for you like you have been for me. I love you, darling.

When people ask what I see in you, I just smile and look away because I’m afraid if they knew they’d fall in love with you too.

I could write you a thousand words about how much I love you, but still, it will not be enough. I love you.

The way I fall for you is faster than the speed of a cheetah.

The sound of your laughter is my favorite sound in the world.

Before you came into my life, I never knew what it felt like to love someone this much, my heart was empty, but now it’s full of love. I love you.

If a kiss could tell you how much I love you, I am sure we would be kissing forever.

Baby, you don’t need to take care of yourself anymore, because I am here to take care of you forever, until the day I die. I love you!

When I tell you I will die for you, do not be shocked, you’re just too valuable to lose, you’re at and unique that ought to be treated specially. You’re a gem, and I love you so much.

I absolutely adore our playful relationship… but most of all, I LOVE that we love each other like Romeo and Juliet. You will always be my baby and every day will be a special occasion.

I’m afraid to grow old. I don’t want to see wrinkles on my face or count gray hairs on my head. But you know what? I want to grow old with you, baby. You are the love of my life.

Thank you so much for your love and contribution in my life, I love you so much.

No crafted word describes the beauty of what you make me feel. It is soothing and scary at the same time. I need forever to fully express the depth of my love to you.

I didn’t know it was possible to love someone completely and truly the way I love you, well now I know.

I was so sure that I will never be able to love again, but you proved me wrong. Thank you for showing me that life is a beautiful adventure, and I don’t have to go through it alone. I love you, baby. 

Dear, carry my heart in your palm so that I can call you mine. I love you, now and forever!

I want you with me now and every other day.

I love you so much baby, you are biggest inspiration in my life to get success and reach on goal.

I love you with all my heart, sweetheart!

I won’t ever promise you everything on the planet, but I will guarantee you everything my heart brings out because you possess my heart.

Every time my phone screen lights up, I hope that it is a message notification from you. No matter what time of the day. You are a true blessing, sweetheart.

Some people think that money can buy you money. But there are some things that money can’t buy. My love for you is a testament to that truth.

My love for you is too big and deep to describe.

So far, every moment we’ve spent together has been awesome. But I promise you, that the best is yet to come.

My sweetness, you make even the smallest moments count, it’s not all roses but even in the thorns, you still bring me peace. I love you, sweetheart.

You are like the cooling wind on a boring summer noon. But this year the summer seems a little too long. I miss you! Come back soon.

Each time I look at you, I just smile to myself and think, ‘I certainly could not have done better’. You are perfect the way you are. I love you, honey.

Thanks for being there for me always. I have never known anyone who could love with such intensity. For me, you are the best lover in this world. I can’t help loving you deeply.

Loving you is the air that keeps me breathing.

As long as there is me, your heart will be the best it can ever be. To keep your heart unbroken is a promise I am promising to keep. I love you.

You have no idea how much my heart races when I see you.

You’re my strength and my courage in every stormy weather of life. I love you beyond the stars.

I will love you until the last breath leaves your body or mine.

Your childish giggles melt my heart every time I hear them. Keep laughing like this always. I love you.

My love, you are the most talented person I know. I am your biggest fan.

Honey, loving you is something that came naturally to me because my heart always longs for the warmth of your touch. I love you forever.

No matter how raging the forces of the earth may rage against me, I will not lose the content of your love for me my love.

Beyond life, there are a few things I care about, the first of which is love, and the second of which is you.

Even today, I feel the same, The day I first met you, You are the one I think of, You are truly one in few, But, let me tell something to you, It’s simple, not new, I so love you!

Never believe that you need to give me important things. All I need is your love, because unlike important things, your love will never go away. It is forever rooted in my heart.

You are the best shelter for me in the entire world.

When I met you I thought that there is no way I’m gonna like you. But look at me now, head over heels in love with someone I used to call weirdo. You are my other half, and I love everything about you, baby.

Even though I have nothing to say, I still want to talk with you, love you, sweet.

And in a flash, you have become my everything.

You’re the center of my fantasy because I love you way more than the sun that brightens my day and the moon that keeps the night awake.

You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. They reflect the goodness in your heart and shine like the brightest stars.

I can’t think of a moment without you my love. Every day I keep falling on your charms. Days have become tough without you around me.

I’d be a mouse so I can nibble you bit by bit If you were cheese. I’d be a cat so I could drink you sip by sip In the fact that you were milk. So I could devour one piece by piece, but if you’re a mouse, I would be a cat. I love you.

I wish dreams were like wishes, and wishes came true, cause in my dreams I’m always with you.

With you, I can be my silliest best and never worry about being judged, because you are my better half in the truest sense. I love you!

Do you want to know what’s mind blowing? The physical and mental and emotional intimacy within us. I love you so much more than you could ever imagine.

I can’t explain the way you make me feel when I hear your voice or see your face, but I adore it.

If I had to make one wish, it would be with you and do everything that will spice up our world without staying apart from you even for a second. I will do everything within my power to give you the beautiful life you want. I love you so much.

On sunny mornings, I think of you. In the cold night, I dream of you. There is no moment I spend without one memory of you or the other. I find myself feeling fulfilled just by being with you.

The best part of my day is your smile.

Love isn’t just appreciating each other for anything and everything. It’s about knowing what we are together and never giving up on what we dream together.

Baby, true love is hard to find. It makes one feel good and opens the eyes. I only noticed all these since you came my way. I won’t let you go because, you fill-up the emptiness of my heart.

A glance at your beautiful face chases away my pain, fear and anxiety. I love you more than love itself.

My heart sings without my permission, I try to figure it out, then I discovered that you indiscriminately have filled my heart with your love.

Loving you is the only thing that makes my life worth living. I enjoy every moment I spend in loving you. You are my sunshine in life!

I will keep on loving you, and even when there’s no reason to, I will still love all of you. I cherish you forever.

You are my dream that came true. I will always fancy you.

All I do and will always do is prepare for a beautiful future. I know you are mine and I will work all day and all night to make sure you are comfortable in my life. I can’t even get the thought of you from my heart.

Thanks for being my strong and sensitive guy all these years. I don’t know what I’d do without you.

You’re my everyday happiness and with each passing day, you make me feel happier than ever before. I love you so much.

Love is what you cant think or explain. It can only be felt so feel the spark of love in my eyes for you. Its just for you.

Nobody has ever been what you’re to me. You made all my dreams become a reality. You’ve brought bliss and happiness to my life and made me love without a doubt.

I love you to the moon and back.

When I listen to our favorite song, the sweet memories of the times we spent together keep rushing. Your love is one thing that I can’t do without on earth. From the moment I had you, I knew you are one special gift from God, so I am never taking you for granted.

The best moments of my life are with you. It has been an amazing journey together that I can never forget in my entire lifetime.

You make my life so colorful and my heart so, extremely joyful. I don’t think you know how special you are to me and everybody else. Love you, little lady.

It is you who makes me go through each day like a bubble. I am so inexplicably happy and it’s all because of you. I love you so so much.

You are beautiful, smart, kind, and every good thing a person can be. You are the love I never imagined I would find. The moment you became mine, I became a whole person. Thank you for all of these, my precious. I love you more than anything!

Many people spend their lives searching for true love and eventually failing. So what a shame it would be to let our love fall? That’s how you know, my love is here to stay.

You are simply irreplaceable, know that.

I live every day hoping to wake up someday with you beside me. Nothing can make me happier than a day that starts with you and ends with you!

Loving you is the best thing that I have done in my whole life. Thanks for making my life amazing.

I want to please you in everything and with everything. I want to always be the reason behind your smile. That’s how much I love you, My Heartstring.

Even if being yours will require passing through storms and temptations. I’ll do all and more because I know it will be sunny at the end. I love you.

If I were a teardrop in your eye, I would roll down onto your lips. But if you were a tear in my eye, I would never cry as I would be afraid to lose you.

Spring drops and sunlight outside the window tell me that this spring is the flowering of our love.

The best thing in my life is not you, it’s us. I will do whatever it takes to keep us together.

Nothing makes me happier than your smile, and no one makes me feel like you do. You’re my home.

I would do anything and everything within my power to always cherish and love you till the end of time. I cherish you forever, my dearest.

Each time I touch my chest, I feel you deep in my heart. Please remain there my dearest one because you are the only one who fits in perfectly.

Meeting each other was always our destiny because I know that we were both made for each other. I will forever keep that special moment in my heart. .

Like an expensive gemstone, I will forever keep the fragrance of your love ever and forever.

I want you to know that I’m deeply and madly in love with you and no word can be enough to describe how much I love you. I cherish you forever.

My six word love story: “I can’t imagine life without you.”

Only for you, I have found the real meaning of life, I can’t live without you.

When you look at my text, you don’t have to message me back. I only want you to know that you’ve been on my mind.

Beautiful would be an understatement to describe the feeling of being with you, damsel. I love you beyond the stars.

There is no word to describe you nor your love for me. You mean the world to me and I love you more than love itself.

It is as though our hearts have known each other long before we met because the moment I set my eyes on you, it felt like I had known you all along, my sweetness.

Thinking about you gives me a bad case of the butterflies.

When I hold you in my arms, I feel peace surround our hugs. I love you and will always be by your side.

I never knew I was this romantic, until I fell in love with you. I can say that you are such a good teacher!

Each time I make a wish, I wish for us to be together forever. I know it will come true because you already live in my heart. I love you.

Your voice is like music to my ears, and I want to listen to it forever!

I Love You and will keep loving you till the end of my life.

I’m all yours and hope you will continue to rule my heart, my life, and my world with your unconditional love. I love you dearly.

The love I have for you lacks expression in words. It is what I feel deep in my heart and soul. It engulfs my being and I find myself thinking about no one else but you.

My life is full of gratitude, bliss and unending love and it’s all thanks to you. I love you so much.

In your eyes, I see a thousand stars. In your heart, I hear a thousand beats, but in your world, I see just the two of us. I don’t want you in my life because I need you in my life.

Darling, you are so special to my heart; I don’t know what I would do without you in my life. I love you dearly.

You’re the brightest thing in my life right now. I will keep thanking you for pushing and inspiring me to be on top of my game. I hope I am the best for you because all I want for you is the very best.

I love to look into your eyes because they reflect my happiness.

Gradually, you got into my heart and my life. Slowly, I saw the future of you and me. I knew it was a blessing living another day with you in it. I love you, my boo, and nothing can change that.

It’s funny how you can go through life without knowing what true love is. But this. This unrecorded feeling I had never felt before. I believe that this is what it is like to be with a real person.

The two options my heart has is to ” love you or to love you”.

Your love is the source of my happiness. Please never leave me alone. I cannot imagine a single day without you.

Sometimes I feel like we are the only people left in the world. I only need to feel your touch, your soft lips on mine, and the outside world ceases to exist. It feels like we are magically teleporting to another dimension, where love and gratification reign.

I was lost and hopeless. But I kept praying for a savior to come into my life. God accepted my prayer and sent you. Now I owe you my life for eternity. Loving you madly is the only thing I can do perfectly!

The song of my heart is without rhythm without the expression of your love, I am forever indebted to you my love.

Your love encapsulates my life. It gives my life beautiful meanings and memories. If this is a dream, I never wanna wake up. But it had better be real!

Let me take your hands and show you the world, I want to be yours for all eternity, I love you, my dear.

I used to sleep up all night longing to find true love. Every day I get more and more frustrated, until I finally met you. Then all that was waiting made sense, and my life took on a new meaning.

My heart delights in you. You are precious to me and I want to share my world with you. Come into my pavilion of love, feast on my love. I am all for you.

You mean the world to me.

Every time we kiss, I lose my breath, and my heart sings with joy.

Our differences are exciting. Our similarities are uniting. We come together to form a wonderful puzzle.

Be it in this generation or in another one to come, you will always be the right one because you’re the only one for me. I love you so much.

Loving you is my biggest weakness and my greatest strength

Do you even know how special you are? I wouldn’t trade you for all the heartthrobs in Hollywood.

You are the most special person on this planet, and I must tell you that I love you from now to forever.

As the Oasis beckons to a dry, thirsty soul, so your love beckons to me. Who am I to resist such an angel as you? I’m captivated by your love.

If my love is a vehicle, you are sure the fuel that has ever been giving it all it takes to move. You are my very best friend forever.

I want to love you, hold your hand, laugh at your jokes, walk by your side, snuggle on the couch, look into your eyes, talk about whatever, and kiss your lips. Every single day.

When we are together, I feel a prisoner of your heart; I feel so happy that I do not mind that my life depends on you. I do not want to be free if your affection chains me.

Until I met you, I didn’t really know what love is. This is the purest truth deep in my heart.

My soulmate, you are the best and greatest gift life gave me, am happy that you are in my world, I cherish you.

If I know what love is, it because you thought me a million ways to love. I never knew there could be a love analytic like you and most of all the love of my life. I adore sweetheart.

I have found the meaning of life when I have met with you.

No matter what happens in life, you will always remain dear to my heart. My heart is where you belong. I love you, my little munchkin.

Love, thanks for being the rock who always has my back. May God bless us together forever.

I’m forever young cos you would forever love me!

You stay more amazing than ever before. All I wish for and will keep hoping for is to spend the rest of my life with you. Your love keeps me in comfort and happiness throughout the time we’ve been together.

I’ll choose you over everything in the world. I feel lucky to be with you. Thanks for sharing your life with me.

Put your head on my chest so you can hear the whispers of my heart, so you can sense my feelings for you and know how deeply I love you.

Without you, the world feels empty just as much as my life is empty without you. I love you dearly.

I want to be your favorite hello and your hardest goodbye.

When I saw you, I was afraid to meet you. When I met you, I was scared to kiss you. When I kissed you, I was worried to love you. Now that I adore you, I am afraid to lose you.

No on the planet could ever compare to your beauty, kindness and overall wonder.

You don’t have to flatter me with materialistic things. All I want is your beautiful endless love. This feeling is everything I need in life, and I’m extremely thankful to you for being with me. Love you like crazy.

I love how even being with you all day long doesn’t get boring. I guess that’s what love does! I want to be with you during both happy and sad times. Because without happiness, sorrow is worthless, and happiness can’t be enjoyed to the fullest without sorrow. So, glad that I have you in my life, sugar.

I wish I had the words to tell you how amazing you make me feel.

I love everything about you: your mind, your sense of humor, your mind, your outlook on life, your soul, your goals and desires, and of course, your beauty.

My fantasies are the ones that end with you and begin with you. You’re constantly on my mind. I love you deeply and madly!

I sit here all alone, all day waiting for the moment I’ll see your face, and maybe I’ll get a hug. So disappointing that it all ended a daydream.

I have to thank you, although I have a lot of reasons to complain about you!

I wish to be everything that brings a smile on your face and happiness to your heart. I want to love you like no one else ever did!

When I considered how much I am lucky to have you, I pray every day never to lose you. Love me on, my love.

You have my heart captured, held captive. I’m conquered, baby by your love and I wouldn’t change this for anything.

It means the world to me when I see you smile, love you, sweetheart.

My song, my melody, no matter how sonorous my voice is, without your tune, my singing is useless. I love you my dearest.

Your love is my inspiration. Your care is my motivation. Having you in my life is my long-range goal that changed my life forever.

Hey darling, do you know magic? Because I am completely under your spell. Love you, my baby.

Love is special when it is true all I think about is me and you, you are always in mind all the worries and sadness are left behind, I love you. You will always be in my heart.

You’re everything to me and I will do just anything to put a cute smile on your face every day. I love you tenderly.

I have never felt fear as intense as this. If there is anything I fear on earth, it will be to lose you to someone else. I know that love is a leap; I will take it not because I am sure of a safe landing, but because I believe that you will be on the other side to catch me.

Life without you would be like the sun without its sunshine and flowers without their fragrance.

The days that I cannot see you, I feel that I am submerged in an eternal and cold night, is that your eyes are the light that illuminates mine, your kisses are the warmth that my heart needs and your love is the breath of life that fills with hope my life.

You’re more just my friend and my lover. You’re my world and my everything. I love you forever.

Every time I try to keep my heart from you, it escapes and revolts. My heart would like to be locked up in you and finds you!

You’re all I ever wanted and needed, and you will always be the one I will love forever. I love you beyond the stars.

Even after the worst day, your hug can make it so much better. You keep me sane. I love you.

If I could give you on thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me.

Your heart is so full of love, and I’m lucky enough to find a place there. Love you, honey.

I know I do many stupid things, and I am not good enough for you but thank you for always being next to me.

You don’t know how blessed I am to have you in life. You have given a new meaning to my life. Love you.

Your love means so much to me, even a legion of soldier cannot deter me from expressing my love for you.

Whenever I hear you say my name, it gives me a little thrill. Just your voice makes me melt, and I could talk to you for hours.

No matter how busy I am, my heart never forgets to remind me of you. I love you, baby.

No words can truly express how much I love and admire you. Hopefully, you already know that you are the best thing in my life. You’re always on my mind and part of my heart. You give me a reason to live. Thanks to you, I want to be a better person. I love you more each day.

My biggest wish is to give you a world of paradise where you have to worry about nothing. I want be with you in it forever. I love you so much.

I will never ask you to change for me, because you are perfect just the way you are, my sweet princess I love you once, and will still love you , always have and always will cheers.

I love your smile. You ask I want our love to because you’re one of a kind. I love you.

Your name is synonymous with happiness. Your appearance is the reflection of perfection. Your voice is the most beautiful melody. And together we are the picture of love itself. I’m so glad we have found each other in this world.

I smile like a fool every time you are around. I am lovestruck!

I feel the sun on my face, the warmth that envelops me and I know the day will be great as long as you are in my world. I love you, boo.

Darling, when I say that I love you, I don’t just mean on the good days but every other day.

Every little moment spent with you, my dear, is pure magic.

In my eyes, in my heart, in my soul, you are the most beautiful person and the most precious person.

I wish you can hear my heartbeat, it beats so hard and fast because you are close to me I want the heart to be yours henceforth because only you can shower it with care. So take care of my heart. I love you dearly!

If I chose between breathing and loving you, I would use my last breath to utter I love you.

Like the saxophone blown in the cool of the day, your melody overruns my heart and my senses romantically align me to the fragrance of your love. Sing on my love, I love to sing your song forever.

Every time I close my eyes at night I see your face. You’re smiling to me and saying the sweetest things. How I wish it was happening in real life… But you belong to somebody else, and I won’t ever interfere with it, because your happiness means a world to me, even though we’re not together.

Of course, anyone can catch the eye, but it takes one special person to catch the heart. A life without love is cold and dull – just like a year without sunshine and summer. You complete my life, sweetheart!

I want you to know that I love you and I will always do, even when I don’t say it or tell you often. I love you beyond the stars.

I know that our relationship isn’t perfect, but the only thing that really matters is that we love each other madly. I believe our deep devotion and strong attachment to each other will help us to overcome all the obstacles on our way and reach total and pure happiness together.

I can’t promise you the whole world, but, I promise never to stop loving you, and that’s a vow I can’t and won’t break. I love you tenderly.

Love does not need special time, special event, special place. It just happened.

You are my last thoughts before I sleep and the first ones as I wake up.

A love like yours, my angel makes even forever feel so short, I want more than forever with you, I love you, sweetheart.

Every moment with you is nothing short of gladness and love. I’m so lucky to have you in my life and I love you to the moon and back

Everyone knows that my love for you knows no bound. You are one person who makes every day of my life worth living. You have made all my dreams a reality, and I am happy to be in this relationship with you.

You effortlessly make my life way, much better and I plan to love you for all eternity.

I know we will always be together because you know all the tricks to melt my heart like April snow. You are my favorite magician in the whole world.

You are my sunshine, the light that descends on my heart alongside the deepest feeling of passion I salute you. My sweet chocolate, I believe you and cherish you more for all your sweet words that my ears observe. I love you, my angel!

It’s not that I love you for allowing me to be me. I love you because you encourage it.

Babe, I love you, I loved you since the day I saw you, and when you surprised me with those flowers… It was amazing, and I know I fall in love with you every day even more, I miss you when you’re not here, and can’t sleep if I don’t say goodbye.

Life is perfect when am with you. No foul, no loss as long as you are there. You make me stronger. You are my inspiration. I love you.

You are my love until my last breath, I love you, my dear.

You are the pillar of my life. I love you. Thank you for being a part of my life.

I love you the way cloud loves the sky; I love you the way birds love to fly, I love you the way waves love the sea, I love you the way honey is loved by the bee.

You filled my heart with lots of love and happiness. I have never experienced that much love in my life. You are the best thing that has happened in my life. I love you more than anything in the world.

All I can do for you and all I am willing to do is to always make you as happy as you make me. You come first, my priority. I love you to bits.

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