10 Spiritual Ways To Get Close To Your Soul Mate

get closure soulmate

When two souls are connected spiritually, then they are often referred to as soul mates. Ideally, a man soul and a woman soul are connected, and we predominately refer to a soul mate as a connection between man and woman soul only. The burning question that is asked several times in modern times is how … Read more

9 Amazing Stories About Friendship from Literature and Short Movies

Why do we tell friendship stories? “Friendship” is a mild word for such an extraordinary and holy connection, for what can be the most sustaining, life-giving, death-defying relationships some of us will ever experience. My closest friends are the reason for my deep faith in God because through them I have discovered what superhuman intimacy … Read more

A Christmas Meditation

In this meditation, the focus is on Love. That for me is the very essence of what Christmas is about. Take some time before starting to prepare your space and yourself. Here’s some suggestions before christmas guided meditation script. Light a pink candle Pick a rose or two – white, pink or red are good … Read more

38 Emotions You’ve Felt, But Couldn’t Explain

38 Emotions You’ve Felt, But Couldn’t Explain

There are many feelings we can experience without an actual word that describes the sensation. These are like poems. If you get up and read them as such, giving proper weight and pause to each phrase, they are really well done. Especially loved Nighthawk and the one about the lighthouse and death. So true! Sonder … Read more