102+ Best Euphoria Quotes: Exclusive Selection

Euphoria is an American teen drama television series created by Sam Levinson, follows a group of high school students through their experiences of friendships, love, identity and trauma. Profoundly inspirational Euphoria quotes will make you look at life differently and help you live a meaningful life.

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Famous Euphoria Quotes

Is one of us gonna get hurt? Yeah. Probably. But I’ll do my best to make sure that it’s me. — Ethan

It wasn’t the violence that scared her. It was the fact that she knew no matter what he did, she’d still love him. — Rue Bennett

You’ve got to believe in the poetry because everything else in your life will fail you, including yourself. — Ali

Everybody gets their feelings hurt. Some people need to get their feelings hurt sometimes. — Fezco

She hated her life, not because it was bad, but because when you hate your brain and your body, it’s hard to enjoy the rest. — Rue Bennett

Did all this happen because I left? — Jules

It’s not just football. It’s life. — Cal Jacobs

I love hospitals. If I could spend the rest of my life in a hospital, I would. Because when you’re in a hospital, you have zero responsibilities. — Rue Bennett

The absolute worst part of depression is that even though you know you’re depressed, you’re unable to stop yourself from getting worse. — Rue Bennett

You know this isn’t gonna end well. — Rue Bennett

euphoria quotes

You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever known. I’m Tyler. I’m the person you fell in love with. — Nate/Tyler

Every time I feel good, I think it’ll last forever, but it doesn’t. — Rue Bennett

You may have won the game, but you lost control of the team. — Cal Jacobs

Listen, man, I’m sayin’ you keep f—king with Rue and her friends, I’m gonna kill you. — Fez

I just showed up without a map or a compass, and at some point, you have to make a choice … about who you are and what you want. And therein lies the catch. — Rue Bennett

This is the feeling I have been searching for my entire life, for as long as I could remember. Because suddenly, the world went quiet. And I felt safe, in my own head. — Rue Bennett

I’m not exactly in the best place. I came here so I wouldn’t have to think about it. — Jules

You know, I mean, like, is one of us gonna get hurt? Yeah. Probably. But I’ll do my best to make sure that it’s me. — Ethan

It was like there was no more air left in the world. And I was gasping, and I was panicking. — Rue Bennett

I definitely haven’t reached my full power. — Jules Vaughn

I admire what it took, I just hope it didn’t teach you the wrong lesson. — Cal Jacobs

What I really meant to say is my mom can do better and I hate seeing you sit in the chair my dad sat in. — Rue Bennett

Cassie’s dad was handsome, the kind of handsome that made people treat him differently. — Rue Bennett

That it’s about balance, stability. The need to organize her feelings and thoughts, so she can breathe easier. — Leslie Bennett

I guess I just wanted to hurt you as much as I imagined you’d hurt me. — Kat Hernandez

You’re not a burden. — Lexi

just had, like, this reaction, and I just, like, hated you. — Kat Hernandez

I have no joy in this contract tonight. — Jules

What is with your weird fascination with me? — Kat Hernandez

I wasn’t going to stop until I got the truth. — Rue Bennett

Suddenly, the whole world goes dark and nothing else matters except the person standing in front of you. — Rue Bennett

The situation with your son… a lot of people are talking… I know (he’s innocent.) It’s just. — Restaurant Manager

There’s nothing more powerful than a fat girl who doesn’t give a f—k. — Kat Hernandez

Nothing in high school lasts forever. — Ali

All I know is, life is not a Nicholas Sparks novel. — Rue Bennett

Do you think this stuff affects them, even if they don’t know it? — Cal Jacobs

Sometimes two people in the universe who aren’t meant for each other find each other. — Cal Jacobs

Whoever did this to you doesn’t love you. — Detective

They want something they can own and possess. — Rue Bennett

Maddy knew who she was from a very early age. — Rue Bennett

The other thing about depression is it kinda collapses time. Suddenly, you find your whole days blending together to create one endless suffocating loop. — Rue Bennett

Although she had never been in a relationship, Jules imagined spending her whole life with her new best friend. But that was before Tyler. — Rue Bennett

When Jules was eleven years old, her mother took her on a trip. — Rue Bennett

I’m not saying I’m in love. I’m just saying I really like him. — Jules

Look, all I know is that most guys are rarely sympathetic. — Kat

I know this isn’t going to end well. — Rue Bennett

It’s not a relapse if it’s warranted. It’s a hall pass. — Rue Bennett

When the whole world goes dark, nothing else matters but the person standing in front of you. — Rue Bennett

The summer before high school, Kat started writing fan fiction. She’d become extremely popular … online. — Kat

The first day of school. My heart was racing. — Rue Bennett

Nate loves the feeling of winning. He was obsessive. — Rue Bennett

Didn’t you just get out of rehab? Should I be concerned? — Jules

I’m envious of your generation. You guys don’t care as much about the rules. — Cal Jacobs

I’m envious of your generation, you know. You guys don’t care as much about the rules. You know, I think that’s a good thing. And I don’t want to be that old guy that gives you advice, but I look at you and I think there are two versions of how your life can go. You can either go someplace, where you’re wanted for who you are. Or you can stay in a town like this. End up like me. Living your life out in motel rooms. Selfishly I hope you stay. — Cal Jacobs

You know I spent my whole life trying to keep this part of me separate. But I feel like it’s poisoned everything. I thought that I was doing what was best for everybody. And then, I look at my boys, and they have so much anger. Not just anger but rage. And it scares me. — Cal Jacobs

Rue Bennett Quotes

Do you wish I was different? — Rue Bennett

I don’t know if this feeling will last forever, but I’m trying. — Rue Bennett

It’s not even the lies that hurt, you know? It’s the fact that you’re never really emotionally prepared for someone to leave you. — Rue Bennett

You know when you’re with someone and things just aren’t right but you’re afraid to ask because the answer might be worse than the feeling right now? — Rue Bennett

I don’t remember much between the ages of eight and twelve. Just that the world moved fast and my brain moved slow. And every now and then, if I focused too closely on the way I breathed, I’d die. Until every second of every day, you find yourself trying to outrun your anxiety. — Rue Bennett

Every time I feel good, I think it will last forever… But it doesn’t. — Rue Bennett

When the whole world goes dark, nothing else matters but the person standing in front of you. — Rue Bennett

You realize they’re all just f-ed up, too and lost. They just have a reason to mask it. — Rue Bennett

If I could be a different person, I promise you, I would. Not because I want it, but because they do. And therein lies the catch. — Rue Bennett

She hated her life. Not because it was bad but because when you hate your brain and your body, it’s hard to enjoy the rest. — Rue Bennett

That’s the weird thing about the Internet. Ten people can feel like the whole world. — Rue Bennett

And, you know, you just can’t be mad at me for wanting you to be okay. — Rue Bennett

I just showed up one day without a map or a compass. — Rue Bennett

The other thing about depression is it kinda collapses time. Suddenly, you find your whole days blending together to create one endless suffocating loop. — Rue Bennett

I put up a good fight but I lost. For the first time, but not the last. — Rue Bennett

I wasn’t going to stop until I got the truth. — Rue Bennett

There is not a thing on the planet Earth that compares to fentanyl. Except Jules. Jules is a close second. — Rue Bennett

Cassie Howard Quotes

I think I’m going to do everything in my power for at least, like the next three years, not to fall in love. — Cassie Howard

I’m not saying I’m gonna have a baby. I just wanted to dream about it for a minute. — Cassie Howard

Maybe people are nostalgic about high school ’cause it’s, like, the last time in their life that they get to dream. — Cassie Howard

I feel like love is super dark and no one ever talks about it. — Cassie Howard

What if this is what I’m supposed to do with my life? — Cassie Howard

Cassie: I hate you.
Suze: Well, I love you.
Cassie: I love you, too.

Cassie: What you don’t understand, Nate, is I am crazier!
Nate: That’s not somethin’ to be f*ckin’ proud of, Cassie!
Cassie: No… but it is something you should be scared of.

We should just pick the hottest, most confident, bad b*tch version of ourselves, and be that for the rest of the school year. — Cassie Howard

Cassie: You telling me that you love me, and then going and being in a relationship with my best friend!
Nate: [YELLS], What the f*ck?! What the f*ck is wrong with you?! What the f*ck is wrong with you?!
Cassie: Okay. Bye.
Nate: [SIGHS] For f*ckin’… C…Cassie, stop. I love you.

Maddy Perez Quotes

You’re abusive, psychopathic. Most of the time I really hate the way you make me feel. — Maddy Perez

Your whole family is so f—kin’ weird. — Maddy Perez

First of all, ew. Second of all, ew. — Maddy Perez

Kissing is worse. It’s so much more intimate. — Maddy Perez

The universe is just out here giving like zero f*cks. — Maddy Perez

I’m just saying, love is a million things. — Maddy Perez

B*Tch, you’re my soulmate. — Maddy Perez

She never really had any desire to have a career or job. — Maddy Perez

Do you think my areolas look weird? — Maddy Perez

Nate Jacobs Quotes

At night, I fall asleep to you, and in the morning, I wake up to you. I kind of feel closer to you than I do anyone in the world. — Nate Jacobs

I don’t want your apology. I just want revenge. — Nate Jacobs

You know what we have in common? We both get off on hurting other people. — Nate Jacobs

Because you’re so broken you don’t even trust yourself. And that’s scary. — Nate Jacobs

I know over the years you’ve lost some brain cells. — Nate Jacobs

You’re kind. You’re smart. You’re generous. You got a big heart. You deserve whatever the f*ck it is in this world that you want. So keep your head down. Keep your mouth shut. Don’t try to ruin my life, and I won’t have to ruin yours. — Nate Jacobs

Nobody that looks like you is minding their own f*ckin’ business. I know what you are. Yeah. Yeah, I see you. So what do you want? You want some, some f*cking attention? ‘Cause I’ll give you some f*cking attention. — Nate Jacobs

I want to have a mature conversation. — Nate Jacobs

If anyone ever tried to hurt you, I’d kill them. — Nate Jacobs

You’re, like, half a retard. You dropped out of school at 20, and now you’re a gangster. What are you, like, f*cking Tony Montana? What’s the plan? Hmm? You gonna be living in a mansion, f*ckin’ pet tigers and sh*t? Go f*ck yourself. — Nate Jacobs