75 Best This Too Shall Pass Quotes: Exclusive Selection

This too shall pass” is a Persian adage translated and used in multiple languages. It reflects on the temporary nature, or ephemerality, of the human condition. Nothing, good or bad, lasts forever. A current situation or event, no matter how wonderful or horrible it is, will not last forever. “This too shall pass” is a very strong and has the power to help you look to better days. Inspirational this too shall pass quotes will challenge the way you think, and make your life worth living.

These quotes offer wisdom and comfort, reminding us that even the most challenging times are temporary and will eventually pass.

Quotes About Resilience and Endurance

“Tough times never last, but tough people do. This too shall pass.”

“Storms don’t last forever; this too shall pass.”

“When you’re in a dark place, remember that this too shall pass.”

“Every difficulty you face is temporary. This too shall pass.”

“Hold on a little longer; this too shall pass.”

“Pain is temporary. It may last for a minute, an hour, or a day, but eventually, it will subside. This too shall pass.”

“No matter how dark it gets, the sun will rise again. This too shall pass.”

“Even the worst storms pass; so will this one. This too shall pass.”

“Strength grows in the moments when you think you can’t go on, but keep going anyway. This too shall pass.”

“In the midst of chaos, remember, this too shall pass.”

“Every struggle has its end. This too shall pass.”

“What seems unbearable today will soon be just a memory. This too shall pass.”

“Everything is temporary. Embrace the good times and know that the bad will pass. This too shall pass.”

“Like the changing seasons, every difficult moment will fade. This too shall pass.”

“The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. This too shall pass.”

Quotes About Hope and Healing

“Hope whispers, ‘This too shall pass.’”

“Healing takes time, but remember, this too shall pass.”

“When life feels overwhelming, hold onto hope. This too shall pass.”

“Every setback is a setup for a comeback. This too shall pass.”

“No matter how broken you feel, remember, this too shall pass.”

“Hope is the anchor of the soul, reminding us that this too shall pass.”

“Every heartache carries the seed of healing. This too shall pass.”

“In the middle of the journey, when all seems lost, remember, this too shall pass.”

“Hope is stronger than despair, and it tells us that this too shall pass.”

“Even the deepest wounds eventually heal. This too shall pass.”

“Hold onto hope, for it’s a promise that this too shall pass.”

“Healing doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen. This too shall pass.”

“In the midst of your darkest hour, hope whispers, ‘This too shall pass.’”

“The road to recovery is long, but every step forward brings you closer. This too shall pass.”

“No matter how heavy the burden, remember, this too shall pass.”

Quotes About Change and Transformation

“Nothing is permanent; everything is subject to change. This too shall pass.”

“Change is the only constant. Embrace it, for this too shall pass.”

“Every transition is a stepping stone. This too shall pass.”

“Life is a series of waves; ride them knowing this too shall pass.”

“Just as the seasons change, so too will your circumstances. This too shall pass.”

“Transformation is inevitable, and with it, this too shall pass.”

“Every ending is a new beginning. This too shall pass.”

“Even the hardest of times are transient. This too shall pass.”

“Growth comes from change, and change means this too shall pass.”

“Life’s changes can be difficult, but remember, this too shall pass.”

“Even when it feels like everything is falling apart, it’s actually falling into place. This too shall pass.”

“The caterpillar’s struggle leads to the butterfly’s flight. This too shall pass.”

“In every change, there is a new opportunity. This too shall pass.”

“The tide of life is always shifting. Whatever you’re facing, know that this too shall pass.”

“Every transformation begins with a challenge. Remember, this too shall pass.”

Quotes About Perspective and Acceptance

“When life is hard, take it one step at a time, and remember, this too shall pass.”

“Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be. This too shall pass.”

“Perspective is everything. Remember, no matter how big the problem seems, this too shall pass.”

“The storm makes you appreciate the calm. This too shall pass.”

“Life is about learning to dance in the rain and knowing that this too shall pass.”

“Even in the darkest moments, remember that light is just around the corner. This too shall pass.”

“Accept the things you cannot change, and find peace in knowing that this too shall pass.”

“Every moment is fleeting, so take it as it comes, knowing this too shall pass.”

“When you’re feeling overwhelmed, remind yourself that this too shall pass.”

“Life’s challenges are temporary, but your strength is enduring. This too shall pass.”

“Even when you’re stuck, know that time will move you forward. This too shall pass.”

“Acceptance doesn’t mean resignation; it means understanding that this too shall pass.”

“Change your perspective, and you’ll see that this too shall pass.”

“In the grand scheme of life, every moment is just a chapter. This too shall pass.”

“No matter how difficult the situation, it’s only temporary. This too shall pass.”

Quotes About Strength and Courage

“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes it’s the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘This too shall pass.’”

“Strength is not just about enduring the storm but about knowing that this too shall pass.”

“It takes great strength to weather the storm, knowing that this too shall pass.”

“Bravery is standing tall in the face of adversity and believing that this too shall pass.”

“When you’re faced with challenges, draw on your inner strength and remember, this too shall pass.”

“Strength isn’t just about holding on; it’s about believing that this too shall pass.”

“True courage is facing the storm and knowing that this too shall pass.”

“It’s in the hardest moments that your strength shines through, and you realize, this too shall pass.”

“Even in the darkest times, strength lies in the belief that this too shall pass.”

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but the certainty that this too shall pass.”

“The strength to endure comes from knowing that this too shall pass.”

“In moments of weakness, find strength in the knowledge that this too shall pass.”

“Your strength will carry you through the hardest times, because this too shall pass.”

“Even when you feel you can’t go on, remember that this too shall pass.”

“Strength is the quiet confidence that whatever happens, this too shall pass.”

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